Quote of the Day 9/1

“He looked right at me as he gave me a half smile. ‘You’re the brightest thing in the room,’ he said. He lifted his hand from my waist, and slowly, carefully brushed a stray lock of hair from my cheek. ‘You shine.’
My breath caught in my throat. People said those kinds of things about Sloane-not about me.
‘What?’ Frank asked, his eyes on mine.
‘Just…’ I took a shaky breath. ‘Nobody’s ever said something like that to me.’
‘Then they don’t see what I see,’ he said.”
Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson

Quote of the Day 7/14

“I was still a little amazed that this was happening. That this, the thing that had seemed so impossible, so terrifying, so utterly beyond me, was happening. I was having fun. And that I was the one who made it happen. “I did it,” I said out loud, sending my voice up to the stars above me, not really caring if the others heard me.”
Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson

Book Haul!

For the first time in three(ish) months, I have acquired new books. I actually got them at the beginning of the month, so I’ve read all but one of them, but, still, it’s very exciting. All of them were on my “To Buy” list, and I loved all of them that I read. They’re also very loveable because, with the combination of my Barnes and Noble membership, and the fact that they’re all paperback, I got four book for less than $40, and my mom was the one paying, so free books!

(Covers are linked to Goodreads summaries.)

Since You've Been GoneThe first book I got was Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson. I have been wanting this book basically since I read Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour. Which was last summer. I kept waiting for it to come out in paperback (the only hardcover contemporary romance novel I own is Fangirl) and when I saw it I immediately picked it up. I didn’t want to get my expectations too high, because that never works out, but I feel like even if I had, this book would have lived up to them. Love. This. Book.

The Fill-In Boyfriend

The second book I got was The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West. And I read it the day I got it. And it was amazing. Kasie West is an Auto-Want author (as I am too broke to have auto-buy authors.) I have all three of her contemporaries, and I loved all of them SO MUCH.

The Geography of You and Me

The third book I got was The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E. Smith. I was hesitant about this book because while The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight is one of my favorite books ever, This Is What Happy Looks Like didn’t really impress me. This book though. Any doubts I had are definitely gone. (Also, I have decided to collect postcards.)

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

The last book I got at Barnes and Noble is Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz.This book was all the rave a little while ago, but I wasn’t really sure if I wanted to read it. But, the cover is so pretty, and the summary intrigued me, so I decided I might as well read it, because it’s better than not knowing. I still haven’t read it though. 😦

I also bought books two and three of the Harry Potter series. I’ve already read them, and I already own them, but there are so many covers to this series, and hey, there’s nothing wrong with double copies. Also, my copy of Chamber of Secrets is super bulky, and the new one will fit easily in a purse.